Daily Archives: 02/09/2010

>The Bob and Betty Diaries

>Please check out my new blog, The Bob and Betty diaries, it is a bit of light hearted fun compared to my normal blog!

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Posted by on 02/09/2010 in Uncategorized


>Spent the day in my bedroom

>I ended up spending the day in my bedroom as the plumbers were in my lounge fitting a new water tank system thingy. So what do you do when you are trapped in your bedroom, with no TV etc? SLEEP. So I spent most of the day dozing in and out of sleep, now I have a banging headache, my fault.

My psychologist sent me a lovely email earlier saying that she was proud of me for trying so hard to turn everything around again since my operation. It felt nice to read, but then the guilt kicks in, as I haven’t been entirely honest with her, I may have made out that things are a little better than they actually are. I wish I could have received that  email because I actually deserved it. I feel like such a liar, I purposefully deceived her. What kind of person does that make me?

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Posted by on 02/09/2010 in Uncategorized